FS19 Timelapse Ravenport #40 Upgrading The Silos


FS19 The Timelapse Ravenport series continues as we build new larger capacity silos, ready for storage of corn in our big field. We also buy a second combination to help harvest large fields.

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? FS19 Timelapse Ravenport # 39

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? Music used under license from Epidemic Sound

Music by
▶ 1. Kalle Engström feat. Lilla My: Go ahead

▶ 2. Bassix feat. Easton: It'll be fine

▶ 3. Craig Reever feat. Vicki Vox: Miss

▶ 4. Tape Machines feat. Jowen: No sugar-coated love (Oomiee remix)

▶ 5. Feat. Agnes Berger: Only me

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