John Deere 2623 v1.0.0.1 – FS22


John Deere 2623 v1.0.0.1 – FS22Now its error free.
now log is clean
John Deere 2623
Converted for FS22 clean Log
This is a conversion to FS 17 of the John Deere 2623 50ft disc. Special thanks to BennieJoe for his permission to release this version. Disc is setup as a plow and has been tweaked so that it pulls more evenly and the outer wings do not pop up out of the ground when plowing except occasionally when flexing as a by-product of that animation. At purchase, you have the option of buying a rear hitch for $700. All credit goes to BennieJoe for giving us this fantastic mod.
Please leave any bugs/issues on the support topic at AEM (, and I will do my best to fix.



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