Maize Plus Forage Extension – Animal Food Additions v 1.0


About the mod:
This mod separates the animalFoodAdditions.xml and thus the Animal Food Settings into a separate Mod for easy adjustment. It also overwrites the settings of the base mod and the settings within the map.
So you can change the animalFoodAdditions without changing anything on the map, thus using the same food settings across different maps easily. It also has the benefit of not having to upload an entire map when playing multiplayer just for changing Food Settings. It basically works like a Seasons Geo. Also the new animalFoodAdditions Settings and the new fruits from the latest update of MaizePlus Forage Extension are already included in this version. There also is a short description included in this Zip which describes how to change animalFoodAdditions.xml and what each value is for.Credits:
The-Alien-Paul, Modelleicher



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