Welcome to Bettingen Farm Timelapse. First we bring water to our cows. After we buy a pallet trailer and go to our sheep pastures. Let's get our sludge tank and go to the field. Now we sell the tractor and the garbage tank and buy a new one. Let's go to the field on the tractor with a plug. Our field looks like lime. After pouring, we sow soy.
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The music:
1. Song: AQVILVS & Electro Blender – Wait
Music promoted by FreeMusicWave.
2. Song: Markelody – Happiness
3. Song: Hilfilter – Daygame
Music promoted by FMW. Released by Kernkraft.
4. Song: Vibes Good by MBB
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Music promoted by the Audio Library