Removing stumps, wheat sowing with new tractor & seeder | Spectacle Island | FS 19 | Timelapse #05


Welcome back to the Spectacle Island Timelapse. Today myzaseem our first field. First we buy a new tractor and equipment for plowing the field and grinding stumps. Now we plow the field and remove the stumps at the same time. Then we buy a seeder, deliver it to the field and sow wheat. Once the field is sown we can continue cleaning the fields and collecting wood chips for our compost production.

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Music provided by Monstercat:

Half an Orange & Nitro Fun – Arcade

TVDS – Bumblebee

Pegboard Nerds feat. NERVO – Crying Shame

Sabai & Kermode – Save You

WRLD & Half an Orange – Scared

Conro – What’s Love

Hoaprox feat. Rogue – New World



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