This is the first trailer that has and uses its own vehicle type, and the truck is something like a Ford F450 Platinum or something like that.
These modes were made in a few hours when the trailer took longer to get its own vehicle.
This is cool, but I have colder things, I just need modding working tools.
I can not send them to his crew or his brooch, I think he has to stay with the lambomods.
I may never again say mods because of the lambomods and the team brother.
I do not care about fame or I care if I make money on YouTube or on my site.
I needed the money back when my father and my sister were dealing with cancer ……. but lambomodels and Spencer TV killed all the YouTube funds and my site so I do not care if someone has the ways or who was crazy, it was nice and out to help others plus it was trying to get funds to buy the Maya, so we could make 3d models so that we could all use them and do not have to to worry about 3D models.
but there are no funds to help, so I do not care.
# farm simulator
Gaming Enhancement Simulator 19
# Rambow145
# 4x4fun
# fs19
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another channel will be just my shooter channel