Map Prigorod (2×2).
Map for non-loving diseases and sub-donation.
Культуры: стандартные + овёс, полба, тритикале, рожь, просо, хмель, сахарный тростник.
Животные: стандартные.
35 plots – 1 in the property. Flight tickets can change.
You will find a lot of people who can receive and receive a field at the beginning.
Record your travels, traffic and car routes, bills, script, solos, animation, voice.
Product: Sauce oil, sauce oil, sauce oil, sauce oil, oil, fruit sauce, oil, fruit sauce, oil, fruit sauce, hot, sour, cured.
Attending tolls, toddlers and eurododdons.
Construction: house, garage, stone for maintenance, showers.
Just from the beginning, but proud of the sunset. Loans needed for fishing, snake and bitumen. You may receive a potato or beetle barteo.
Map poderezhivaet mod sezonov.
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